
記事を閉じる rapber  投稿者: rapber     No.16394 返信

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記事を閉じる dermkap  投稿者: dermkap     No.16393 返信

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記事を閉じる nanbent  投稿者: nanbent     No.16392 返信

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記事を閉じる nanbent  投稿者: nanbent     No.16391 返信

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Summary: Convert And Resize Pro is a simple enough tool that allows you to quickly convert and resize your image files. The application presents a clean interface and has a reasonable response time. However, due to its outdated interface, it cannot be relied upon.
The lack of help file is another issue that you should keep in mind.

1 answer


ConvertAndResizePro is a Windows application that was created by the author of this question.
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記事を閉じる brikaiv  投稿者: brikaiv     No.16390 返信

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記事を閉じる marclaq  投稿者: marclaq     No.16389 返信

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記事を閉じる brikaiv  投稿者: brikaiv     No.16388 返信

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記事を閉じる haynoe  投稿者: haynoe     No.16386 返信

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Will it be limited to exporting models or will it support more than that? Would the app be open to external developers, this being a particularly tough question as it concerns third-party apps. We won’t know till the future happens.


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記事を閉じる wandei  投稿者: wandei     No.16385 返信

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